Alphabet Art Book
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Alphabet Art Book - For the past few years, I have made an Alphabet Art book with my classroom. I used to do a page a week (according to the Letter of the Week), but I recently switched to doing the entire book during the first month of school. It was much better not having to store the books all year. Another plus of doing it this way was that the kids took home their own alphabet book to read all of the time.
I have listed below some different suggestions for each letter of the alphabet. You can pick which one for each letter is more your style. Some people are in to painting and mess more than others so you can choose what you like.
Aa- apple prints, fingerprint ants
Bb- bubble prints, block prints, blue, band-aids, beans
Cc- cotton prints, car tracks, carrot prints, corn
Dd- dot design (Dot Art Painters), diamonds
Ee- elbow painting, egg shapes, wiggly eyes
Ff- finger painting, draw faces or fish, feathers, flowers
Gg- glitter glue
Hh- hand prints, hearts, hay
Ii- ice cube painting, ink (rubber stamps with a variety of inks)
Jj- junk prints, jewels, jazzy J's (decorate with lots of stuff)
Kk- kite shapes (draw or precut), keys (rubbings), kleenex
Ll- letter collage (rubber stamps or alphabet punches), ladybugs
Mm- marble painting, mosaic, fingerprint mice
Nn- nature prints, newspaper numbers, nickel rubbings
Oo- O's (toilet paper tubes), orange (the fruit) prints
Pp- painted picture, purple potato prints. penny rubbings
Qq- quarter rubbings, q-tip painting, quilt (squares of paper)
Rr- rubbings, rainbows, ribbon rectangles, red objects
Ss- sponge paint, stamp designs (rubber stamps), sand, stickers
Tt- torn paper collage, toothpick triangles, tea
Uu- upside-down picture, up arrows
Vv- vegetable prints, valentines
Ww- watercolor, waves, wallpaper
Xx- x-ray (q-tips)
Yy- yarn design, yellow yo-yo's
Zz- zigzags, zipper rubbing