(Click on any image to see a larger version of that image.)
Pattern Block Turkeys - This activity takes at least 2 days. The first day,
the kids make a design with pattern blocks revolving around the yellow
hexagon. On the second day, the kids make the design using the paper
pattern block shapes. (I have the die cuts) Again they are supposed to
start with the yellow hexagon in the middle. I glued 1 where they should
start. After they have made the design, they turn it into a turkey. The
sheet on the bottom is for counting how many of each shape are on the turkey

Apple Pattern - During our apple unit, we practice patterning by gluing on
different colored apple die cuts.

Pattern Block Snowflakes - We make these the same way we made the Turkeys. The pattern block paper shapes were cut using the die cuts. We made design the first day using real pattern blocks. On the second day we made snowflakes using the white pattern block paper shapes. I love to read the book Zoo Flakes ABC by Will C. Howell with this activity.

Pattern Caterpillar - We make this caterpillar after reading the The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Using Bingo Dobbers the child creates a pattern and then draws the head to make a caterpillar.

Froot Loop Graphing and Patterning- On Fabulous Fun Friday during F Week the kids graphed froot loops. I created the blackline. I also made a sheet where the kids had to record how many of each color they had. After we graphed, the kids made Froot Loop necklaces. We dip the ends of the yarn in wax for easy stringing. The kids were to make a pattern with their Froot Loops. You may want to read Barbara Barbier McGrath's Kellogg's Froot Loops!

100 Days Crown - We make this crown on the 100th day of school. To start, you staple 10-1 1/2" x 12" strips onto a sentence strip. Each strip also has a hole punched in the end. The kids then have to go to 10 different stations that you have set up around the room. At each station they do something 10 times on 1 strip. For example, they put 10 small stickers on a strip, 10 rubber stamps on a strip or glue 10 hearts on a strip. When they have completed all 10 strips, they bring it to you and you staple it to fit around the child's head. You then put a brass fastener through all of the holes and that makes the crown.

I have many favorite books for the 100th Day of School. Some of my favorites are:
Feather Counting or Addition - We do this activity around Thanksgiving time. There are 2 different levels of difficulty that you can choose from, depends on the ability level of your students. You have to make the turkey mats ahead of time. They are just turkey notepad sheets glued on cardstock and laminated.
If you are just working on one-to-one correspondence, the kids have to count out and place a certain number of feathers onto there turkey. You can show the numerals or just say them out loud. If your students are ready for addition, you can have the kids add 2 sets of feathers to the turkey and then add them together. We wrote the number sentences on the whiteboard while we were doing the activity.

Left and Right Mats - These mats are laminated half sheets of green and red. The kids are supposed to place them in front of them with the red on the right hand side. You can use the mats for one-to-one correspondence or for adding. The kids have to place the objects on the right or left side as directed by you.

Money I Have, Who Has? - This is another fun version of the
classroom game "I Have, Who Has?" Everyone sits in a circle and has a
card. The person with the stars starts out. That child says what
the value is that they have on top and ask who has the second value.
Whoever has that value on the top of his/her card says " I have __
Who has __?" and it keeps going around the circle until everyone has
had a turn. The set I made is for 24 kids.
I have now posted this activity as a free resource on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Click Here.

I Have Who Has Numbers - My kids LOVE to play "I Have Who Has." I have many different versions made up. Check out the ones in my High Frequency Word section and Alphabet section. You play it by giving 1 card to each child. The child with the stars at the top has the first card and reads the card aloud. That child flips their card over. The child who has the number read on the first card reads his/her card next. It continues around until all of the cards have been read and flipped over.

Click Here for I Have Who Has Numbers PDF